Howard Altschule is a former television meteorologist turned forensic weather consultant. His team works on lawsuits and insurance claims determining weather conditions at an exact point in time across the world.

In his free time, though, Howard’s focus is on helping families in his own backyard. As a volunteer firefighter, he knows the need for food and clothing donations has never been greater, so he started the non-profit “Harky’s Heroes” last year to help kids in need.

What You Need To Know

  • Howard Altschule created the non-profit Harky’s Heroes in 2020 to help families in need during the pandemic

  • The organization is named after Howard’s late father, Abe, who performed as Harky the Clown at children’s birthday parties

  • Harky’s Heroes has donated nearly $6,000 worth of food, clothing, and toys since the organization was created

“We’re all here on earth for a reason, and hopefully those of us who are able to do it ... we’ll give back and help those others in need in some form or another,” said Altschule.

Howard launched “Harky’s Heroes” on the 20th anniversary of his father’s passing. Abe Altschule died of complications from a kidney transplant in June 2000.

Howard describes his father as a man who loved to make children smile. For his 40th birthday, he was enrolled in clown school as a joke. Abe took that gift and ran with it, eventually becoming “Harky the Clown.”

“They didn’t think he was going to do it, and he loved it. He was a recruiter for risk managers in Manhattan, that was his full-time job, but he started doing Harky the Clown ... doing birthday [parties] for kids, because he really loved seeing kids happy,” said Altschule.

With a team of friends and colleagues by his side, Howard has committed himself to honoring his dad’s legacy. “Harky’s Heroes” has already donated nearly $6,000 worth of food to local school districts for distribution, to fundraisers for sick children, and clothes and toys to families displaced by fire.

If you’d like to help in their efforts, you can find Harky’s Heroes on GoFundMe.