KENTUCKY — We are about to hit summer here in Kentucky and there's nothing better than a hot cup of chocolate in the summer right?  How about a nice cold glass of sweet tea when it snows?  That doesn't sound right.  That's because we use hot water for some things and cold water for others.  But what makes the water hot and the water cold.  

We could tell you all the scientific stuff about molecules, gas, and atoms but it would be so much more fun to show you.


Racing Molecules


What You Will Need:

  • Two clear glasses
  • Cold water with ice cubes
  • Hot Water
  • Liquid food coloring

How To Do It:

  1. Fill one glass with cold ice water. Fill the other with hot/boiling water
  2. Put a few drops of red food coloring in the hot glass and watch what happens
  3. Put a  few drops of blue food coloring in the cold glass and observe

In the hot glass of water, the food coloring spread  through the glass very quickly because hot water molecules bounce around and move fast which in turn allows the dye to fill the glass quickly.

In the  cold glass of water, the food coloring went to the bottom of the glass because cold air/water sinks. Also, the food coloring does not fill the glass nearly as quickly because cold water molecules move slowly and are tightly packed together.