Strong winds from hurricanes, tropical storms and other severe weather can have a big impact on your home.  Even areas away from our Carolina coast have powerful winds as these systems move across our state.

Tips for preparing and strengthening your home:

  • Now is the time to shop for tested and approved window coverings.  These will need to be put in place prior to the arrival of a hurricane or tropical storm.
  • Make sure caulking around windows is intact. Replace if needed​.
  • Make sure, and keep, trees and shrubs around your home trimmed and in good shape. Damage is often caused by broken branches.
  • Double check any "attached structures" such as carports. Make sure bolts are intact and the structure is solidly anchored.
  • Move cars inside a garage or find another secure location for protection.
  • Remember that garage doors must be secured properly. Given their size, these tend to be the most vulnerable to high winds.  Secure all other doors around your home as well.
  • Bring in all loose items around your yard, patio and porches.  Items such as children's toys, patio furniture and gardening tools, should be secured. These items can cause a lot of damage if blown around by strong winds.
  • Consider adding a generator to your home. This can help with prolonged periods of power outages cause my tropical systems.
  • Make sure any pumps for the home are in good working order

Keeping your home in good repair can help strengthen your home against possible damage and powerful winds. ​Coastal residents should have plywood, aluminum or steel panels to board up windows and doors. 

Evacuate when requested if you are able to do so.