BOONE, N.C. — It was a day in the mountains that veteran Leonora Austin says she's been trying for two years to have. She spent her day touring and tasting at Heritage Homestead Goat Dairy.

What You Need To Know

  • Frontline to Farm connects farmers and veterans

  • The program brings veterans in from all over the country

  • On a recent visit, the veterans went to Heritage Homestead Goat Dairy

"I wanted to try the ice cream just to try it and try her caramel," Leonora Austin said.

Austin says she knew she wanted to be in the military since she was 5. Now, she wants to farm. A program with Appalachian State University, Frontline to Farm, brings in veterans from all over the country to meet with farmers in the area and learn.

"They get to see a lot of operations. It's nice to see how different things work," co-founder Anne Fanatico said.

Fanatico says there is a need for more farmers in the United States and this program can help.

"It's amazing, the skills that veterans have," Fanatico said.

"This is the best way to learn," Austin said, "And I think for those who want to go live off the grid or close to nature, I think this is the best way to go."

They learned about goats and the many different machines the farm had. Austin says she learned a lot and will be telling other veterans to come as well in the future.

"I'm with family. We understand each other," Austin said.