Front Porch Politics and Tying It Together podcast host Tim Boyum is on the road, talking with everyday Americans and local leaders about the issues that matter to them this election season. He is cranking out bite-sized podcasts along the way, and in his first edition, he is making his way up the Pennsylvania turnpike with photojournalist John Stampf in a rented Tesla. 

The pair drove to the Philadelphia area first and met up with a man named Matt McCaffery. He was a local GOP leader who endorsed Kamala Harris in the Philadelphia Inquirer. After an appearance on CNN, he was swatted later that night after an email came into police falsely claiming he was holding his wife and daughter hostage. 

After leaving the Philadelphia area, they stopped in Morgantown, Pa. to charge up the vehicle. Tim did note, "range anxiety" is real when you're not used to driving an EV. He found himself constantly worried about what percentage he saw on the screen.

They found a supercharger at a gas station when the car was down to 34%, travelling 156 miles. It took 42 minutes and $16.13 to charge it back up to 100%. While waiting, one other car came and charged their vehicle, otherwise it was largely gas-powered vehicles.

Later it's Pittsburgh, then Lordstown, Ohio.

About the Podcast

With the speed of the local news cycle, it's easy to forget that the politicians who represent us and the influencers in our communities are more than just a sound bite. North Carolina’s veteran reporter and anchor, Tim Boyum, loosens his signature bow tie to give listeners a glimpse behind the curtain, showing us who these power players really are and why they do what they do. Through Tim’s candid conversations on “Tying It Together,” his guests reveal their most fascinating life stories, passions, and help all of us get a better grasp on the issues affecting our communities.

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