CALDWELL COUNTY, N.C. — On the weekends at Wilson Creek people from all over the state head up to take a dip.

They enjoy time with family on the creek, but an issue with trash can put a damper on the experience.

What You Need To Know

  • Wilson Creek is a popular spot in Caldwell County

  • A coalition has started of different groups to help with trash issues at Wilson Creek

  • A Clean Wilson Creek founder said over the years big strides have been made on to clean up the trash 

Wes Waugh, founder of A Clean Wilson Creek, said while many are concerned about the trash, the group is doing much better than it was when it was started six years ago. Now, the group hands out trash bags at some weekend events, and every Monday or Tuesday over the summer members are cleaning up garbage.

"We see those mounds of garbage positively. It's what is a result of people being able to educate the recreational users to get their trash to a common spot and get it off the waterfront," Waugh said.

"The problem occurs when there is not enough dumpsters. There is not enough bear-proof trash cans, so if the trash is left overnight you have a lot of bear populations that come and take advantage of that. They will drag the bag hundreds of yards in the woods," Waugh said.

Some weekends people park their vehicles on the roadway, making it difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate. Waugh said they are looking into the possibility of permits to make sure only a specific amount of cars can enter the area. Another issue is human waste.

"Particularly on holiday weekends if there is no porta toilets in place. Porta toilets again are temporary solutions to a bigger program. There are areas that we have had to wait on to clean up because it felt too dangerous for our crews," Waugh said.

He said a collaboration between many groups has now started, and answers will hopefully come soon. A study is being done.

"The most exciting thing right now is that the group that has come together recently are really looking intensely at the short-term changes, while we wait on the long-term studies that are being done," Waugh said.