Second place winner Priscilla MacClamrock created this artwork. (Courtesy CATS)


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) announced the winners of their annual Transit Pass Design Contest Tuesday.

The contest’s winner, Brigette Rogers, will have her picture, depicting Queen Charlotte on a CATS train car, printed on all of next year’s local monthly passes.

“Living in the Queen City, I’ve always felt safe riding the light rail,” first place winner Brigette Rogers said when asked what inspired her illustration of the Queen’s Carriage. “That’s when I thought of this version of Queen Charlotte. There’s no worry for the crown while she’s on her commute.”

Second place went to Priscilla MacClamrock, who will have her artwork on the Express Monthly Pass. Nicole Driscoll’s artwork took third and will be shown on the Express Plus Monthly Pass beginning next year.

The transit system ranks the largest between Washington, D.C. and Atlanta.

Third place winner Nicole Driscoll's picture of a transit bus seat. (Courtesy CATS)