FORT LIBERTY, N.C. — A howitzer blast broke the silence at Fort Liberty on Monday morning. With that, nearly 19,000 paratroopers began a four-mile run.

What You Need To Know

  • All American Week continues through Thursday

  • There’s nearly 19,000 paratroopers in the 82nd Airborne Division

  • Other events include a memorial ceremony on Tuesday and the Pass and Review march on Thursday

That was the opening event for the 82nd Airborne Division’s All American Week.

The annual celebration is an opportunity to showcase the famous military unit’s decades-long history and accomplishments.

Along the route of the run were some of the families of those paratroopers and former paratroopers who have come back to Fort Liberty this week to participate in the celebration.

Hermino Garcia served for nearly a decade in the division.

“I haven’t been here since … wow … since I retired,” Garcia said as he watched the long procession of paratroopers pass by. “I haven’t been to an All American run as a retiree. It’s my first one.”

The 82nd Airborne Division has a creed that it will respond within 18 hours of being ordered to any hot spot in the world.

This week there will be competitions and commemorations to highlight the division’s storied history.