CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Families across the country are experiencing some major disappointment after learning their student loan debt won't be forgiven. 

What You Need To Know

  •  In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the federal student loan forgiveness program

  •  The program would've provided up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness for millions of eligible borrowers 

  •  A Huntersville woman says the court's ruling was disappointing 

  • She says some of her clients that were banking on the loan relief are circling back to the budgeting board 

In a 6-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked President Joe Biden's federal student loan forgiveness program. 

The program would have provided up to $20,000 in loan forgiveness for millions of eligible borrowers. The decision is a big letdown for many who were hoping to feel some loan relief. 

Huntersville resident Jeanette Rosalia is a money coach, and the self-proclaimed "Debt Payoff Queen" teaches people how to get out of debt.  

Money Coach Jeanette Rosalia feels dissapointed after learning the supreme court blocked the student loan forgiveness program. (Jennifer Roberts/Spectrum News 1)

Rosalia's principal balance right now for student loans is around $88,383. 

"It started out at $123,000," Rosalia said. "Drastically made some good headway, so I'm feeling really good about it."

She's advising others on ways to transform their money situation and pay off their debts and loans, so they can reach financial freedom. Like millions of borrowers, Rosalia says some of her clients were banking on the loan forgiveness. Now they're forced to adjust their budgeting board. 

"Disappointing," Rosalia said. "Now you have to go back to the numbers to look at your loan, see what you owe, set up your payments all over again, re- tackle this head-on without any assistance."

Before the Supreme Court's ruling, Rosalia herself was eligible for $18,000 dollars of loan forgiveness. 

"I would have used all $18,000 and slapped it against my current balance and tried to see [it below] $70,000," Rosalia said. "I would've been happy with that."

With student loan interest resuming soon and no guaranteed loan forgiveness in sight, Rosalia says it's important for people to think ahead and budget so they won't fall further into debt. 

"We're trying to prepare for a better future for everybody," Rosalia said. "We're trying to build generational wealth for everybody and just set ourselves up for success and retire early." 

Student loan interest goes back into effect in September. Loan payments resume in October.