LANDIS, N.C. – An ancient sport is alive and well in North Carolina. 


What You Need to Know

Falconry is a hunting partnership between a human and a bird of prey 

It requires a great level of commitment and is a highly regulated hunting activity 

Contact the North Carolina Falconers Guild for more information on how to begin the process of becoming a falconer 


Falconry is a hunting partnership between a human and a bird of prey. The North Carolina Falconers Guild is dedicated to bringing that relationship into the future while aiding in the conservation of raptors and prey species. President Aaron Kincaid said many wild hawks die in their first year of life, for reasons ranging from starvation to to being hit by cars. 

Kincaid explained that falconers who work with captive-born or wild birds help hone their hunting skills, and the goal with wild birds is to release them.

“Our goal is to never be detrimental to the wild populations of anything, whether that’s raptors or game species,” Kincaid said. “I can speak for pretty much all falconers in saying that we have a tremendous amount of love and respect for the game that we chase.” 

The guild also helps people understand the level of commitment falconry requires. Kincaid said falconry is the most regulated hunting activity there is, and the apprenticeship stage typically takes around two years. Prospective falconers will need to get a sponsor, pass a falconry test, get licensed, build housing for the birds that clears inspection and ultimately get approval from the sponsor to advance. According to the North American Falconers Association, it takes at least seven years to become a Master Falconer. 

“Anyone that’s interested in falconry needs to understand that it’s not a pet-keeping activity. It’s a hunting sport,” Kincaid said. 

He said people who respect the balance and dedication of the sport can experience the reward of having a front row seat to nature. The North Carolina Falconers Guild can be contacted here for more information on securing a sponsor.