FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Over the weekend, Sam Jones celebrated his 106th birthday in Fayetteville. Just like last year, family members drove from near and far to celebrate his life.


What You Need To Know

Sam Jones celebrated his 106th Birthday on Saturday

He has many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Jones still has vision and his mobility

He was born October 8, 1916


The centenarian has faced his share of hardships in more recent years, including beating COVID-19, cancer and surviving a brain bleed.

Those difficulties aside, Jones seems to be at his best in the company of others. 

Jones has lived long enough to see 19 U.S. presidents.

The old soul is quite mobile for his age and walked through a crowd of spectators on the way to his seat. One of the people who cheered him on is his great-granddaughter Seani Jones.

"It is truly a blessing to be able to live this long. I think about all the time he has had on this Earth and all of the things he has gotten to see. He’s really a pillar of our family and our community," Jones said.