GREENVILLE, N.C. — One step at a time. That's how Marques Thompson approaches the busiest time of year — election season.


What You Need To Know

Early voting begins this week for the North Carolina primaries

It starts this Thursday and ends May 14

You can cast a ballot at any early voting location in your county or register to vote in-person


“It is overwhelming, and it is also exciting, because this is kind of like our prime time. This is what it’s all about," Thompson said.

Thompson’s been working for the group Democracy North Carolina since 2016, starting off as a passionate volunteer.

"I’ve always cared about trying to help people and have been sad about the state of people, especially Black people in this country," he said.

Thompson knows that people who don’t know where they’re going to sleep at night may not be focused on voting.

“When I was young we were on food stamps. We were, you know, I lived in a trailer for most of my life, you know. All of that. I didn’t notice till I was older we literally were homeless for a little while," Thompson said.

Thompson says he feels relieved to no longer face those struggles, although the east Greenville neighborhood where he grew up will always be a part of him.

Now, he’s encouraging others, especially minorities and those in low-income areas, to exercise their right to vote.

“No matter what the problem is, no matter what the issue is, it’s always going to come back to democracy and your voice in the democracy, in the government," he said.

The door knocking, he says, is also about spreading awareness about the power of this election.

“A lot of people don’t know what your regular state representative does, what your city council does, and how big a part they play in your life," Thompson said.

The job can certainly require some legwork and the occasional rejections. In the end, Thompson says, it’s the small victories that keep him going and have the power to make a big difference.

“Last election, there was a guy who voted for the first time only 'cause I knocked on his door," Thompson said.