GREENSBORO, N.C. — As people in Greensboro await the arrival of President Joe Biden, one community leader is sharing his questions and concerns, which he hopes the president will address.

What You Need To Know

  • President Joe Biden will speak at North Carolina A&T State University on April 14

  • Rev. Bradley Hunt is the president of the Greensboro chapter of the NAACP

  • Since joining the organization more than 10 years ago, Hunt has worked to raise awareness and create change around systemic issues in Greensboro

  • Hunt hopes Biden will address issues like rising inflation, affordable housing and student loan debt

Rev. Bradley Hunt was elected president of the Greensboro chapter of the NAACP in 2021. He first got involved in the organization as a political science student at North Carolina A&T State University. 

Hunt is a minister at New Light Missionary Baptist Church, as well as an academic mentor for New Light At Risk Intergenerational Outreach Program, an alternative program for suspended students. He’s seen the challenges facing his congregation and his community, including poverty made worse by the pandemic. 

“We can’t expect those who are impoverished, that are experiencing lack and don’t have the necessities, we can’t expect for them to pull themselves out of this situation,” Hunt said. 

While he supports Biden’s Build Back Better initiative, Hunt hopes Biden will address issues like rising inflation, affordable housing and mounting student loan debt for college graduates.

Hunt also works as a business consultant, helping many minority business owners to cultivate their ideas. He hopes the president discusses economic development in the city and supporting minority-owned businesses as well. 

“I want to hear the equity lens from President Biden that not only are we pushing for these issues, but we understand the historical context of these issues and that we want to address the racial inequities,” Hunt said. 

Ultimately, Hunt wants to know how Biden will reach across aisles to unite lawmakers and bring his promises for the nation into fruition. 

Biden is expected to speak at North Carolina A&T State University on Thursday, April 14.