Sixty-two years ago this week, four Black men stood up by sitting down at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro. The photograph and image became a focal point of the sit-in movement.

However, many more people sat in protest including Clarence Henderson who joined in on day two. Despite the fear of danger, Henderson actually thought his decision to take part in the Civil Rights Movement was simple compared to the rough neighborhood where he grew up. So, 62 years later, for the first time, we will tell the story from the standpoint of his roots and how it prepared him for that day on Feb. 2, 1960.

You will learn how those roots have impacted his politics. Henderson admits his politics surprised many people, especially after the 2020 election when he supported Donald Trump.

About the Podcast

With the speed of the local news cycle, it's easy to forget that the politicians who represent us and the influencers in our communities are more than just sound bites. North Carolina veteran reporter and anchor Tim Boyum is loosening his signature bow tie for candid conversations with power players across the state. In "Tying It Together," Tim uncovers what makes these newsmakers tick, explores fascinating life stories and helps all of us get a better grasp on the issues affecting our community.

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