RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A filing with state officials says the company that runs QVC will lay off nearly 2,000 workers at its Edgecombe County distribution center, which has been closed since it was heavily damaged by a fire in December.
News outlets report that on Dec. 29, Qurate Retail Group filed a Worker Adjustment and Retraining and Notification notice with the N.C. Department of Commerce announcing its plans.
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The fire on Dec. 18 claimed the life of a QVC employee. The body of Kevon Ricks, who initially had been reported missing, was found the next day near a loading dock.
Records show the company is expected to lay off employees from Feb. 1 through the middle of the year.
Meanwhile, the company says it has extended shutdown pay through Feb. 1.
QRG says workers will be provided with an opportunity to seek employment at other locations across the country. Laid-off workers will receive separation pay and career transition aid, the company said.
Long-term plans for the site, which has been inoperable since the fire and remains closed for the forseeable future, haven't been determined, the company said.
The home-shopping television network is a major employer in the Rocky Mount area.