LUMBERTON, N.C. — Adrian Hammonds feels blessed walking the halls of Lumberton High School every day, although the school counselor knows that what is going on in the world is weighing heavy on the hearts of his students.

"That's a very difficult problem, to take something that is turning out to be so common but still being able to express it to the children that it's an emergency situation," Hammonds said.

What You Need To Know

Our nation continues to grieve for the four students killed at a Michigan high school on Tuesday after a 15-year-old opened fire on campus

This is the deadliest school shooting in the U.S. since May 2018

According to Education Week, there have been 29 school shootings this year. Two were at North Carolina high schools

When there's news of a school shooting, Hammonds and other school counselors are proactive.

"What we really like to strive to do is have a great relationship with our students. So, as they get comfortable with us, then we're feeling like we can come in there and we can talk to them a little bit about what's going on in the country, what has happened in the past, the tragedy that occurred," he said.

A big part of being prepared is knowing what signs to look for.

"A drastic change in a neighbor or a friend. Let's say a student has a normal demeanor, but they come in that day, and they're extremely angry. They come in, and they don't want to talk to anybody," Hammonds said.

Students and teachers know they're on the front lines, but what's crucial, Hammonds says, is finding a balance.

"We also need to talk about how great the basketball game was last night," he said. "And how we won the game and how we're doing ugly Christmas sweater tomorrow and wear your Christmas hat and what's for lunch today."

The hope is someone sits in Hammonds' office​ when they need help. Behind closed doors, a parent can be the eyes and ears.

"Maybe they're not playing sports like they did before, maybe they're not playing the video games, maybe they're acting out in anger," Hammonds said.

​Even with all the intervention and resources, someone can slip through the cracks.

"We just can't stop. We just can't quit. We can continue trying to build these relationships," he said."We just can't stop. We just can't quit. We can continue trying to build these relationships," he said.

After 13 years loving every minute of his job, the last thing Hammonds believes in is giving up.

"We want you to know, in the school system you are very important to us, we are very prepared, and we are here for you," Hammonds said.

Robeson County is continuing to hold family engagement events where the system brings in outside professionals to share educational information for parents about mental health.

The county also has a "mental health minute" newsletter that goes out every month, which provides information about social and emotional learning in the classroom and training to all support staff.