CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A recent high school graduate found her passion for nursing after a year of hardship.

What You Need To Know

Anisha Sunuwar found her passion for nursing after a year of hardship

During her senior year of high school, Sunuwar learned remotely, became her mother’s caregiver and worked part-time

Sunuwar plans to attend UNC Greensboro in the fall

Anisha Sunuwar from Garinger High School learned virtually during her senior year.

“This year was really new to us and on top of that, I was dealing with my mom,” Sunuwar said.

The 18 year old who moved to the U.S. from Nepal as a child became her mother’s caregiver, driver and interpreter last fall.

Sunuwar took her mom to the emergency room several times after she started experiencing unusual stomach pain.

She describes last year as the hardest of her life.

“Reality actually hit me. I felt more like an adult,” Sunuwar said.

After finding out her mother was diabetic, Sunuwar learned how to give her insulin shots and check her blood sugar.

Working part-time, caring for her mom and going to school pushed Sunuwar to her limits.

“There was no motivation to go to school but I pushed myself,” Sunuwar said.

The challenge made her stronger. She maintained good grades and found her passion.

“I saw how good the nurses took care of my mom and I just want to do that for someone else,” Sunuwar said.

She’s the first one in her family to attend a four-year college and hopes to support them financially once she graduates.

“They’ve done so much for me over the course of my life,” Sunuwar said.

Sunuwar said she’s in the National Honor Society, graduated on June 3 and is attending UNC Greensboro in the fall.

She shared her story with a Charlotte newsletter, and a donor is helping her pay for some of her college expenses and financial aid is covering the rest.