FLORIDA — After both presidential candidates rallied in Florida Thursday, it's apparent that both candidates are focusing on shoring up votes ahead of election day.

What You Need To Know

  • Trump's Thursday rally was a large-scale event with few health precautions

  • Biden's rally was a small, invite-only event

  • Both strategies speak to different kinds of voters, expert says

We’ve seen large scale-events with little health precautions by the Trump campaign and socially-distanced, invite only events by the Biden campaign.

Both of which send a specific message to voters about the pandemic.

People come to President Donald Trump’s reelection rallies for the experience.

“It was the most exciting thing I’ve ever been to in my life,” said one rally attendee in Ocala.

But top health experts say these rallies are ripe to be COVID-19 super spreader events.

Daytona Beach resident Thomas Godden knows the virus is real, but wasn’t concerned at the rally in Ocala on October 16th.

“But I don’t really, it hasn’t really changed my life in any way I still go day by day it’s the way I do,” he said.

Professor of Political Science at UCF Aubrey Jewett says there’s a reason the Trump campaign is going against medical experts to hold these rallies, and it is a reason that speaks to certain voters.

“'Hey, if you believe we should be getting back to normal, if you believe the COVID-19 virus is somewhat overblown and particularly if you believe we shouldn’t just be altering everything in our life, then vote for Trump,” Jewett said.

In direct contrast, Democrats have held much smaller, socially-distanced rallies.

But Jewett says that’s, of course, part of the Biden campaign’s strategy to speak to voters disillusioned with Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

“If you choose Joe Biden as your next president, we’re going in a different direction, we’re going to take this virus more seriously, we are going to abide by the rules of health officials,” Jewett said.

But Having these smaller rallies has opened Biden up to attacks from Trump like this one he gave Thursday in Tampa.

“They say the fact that he has nobody show up is because of COVID, no, it’s because nobody shows up,” Trump said to the crowd at his rally.

But Jewett says the pandemic has changed the game.

“If we were not in a pandemic the Trump strategy would be far superior to the Biden strategy … however were are in a pandemic … and so there are a lot of voters out there who are, quite frankly, probably aghast that these big public events are happening that Donald Trump is holding,” Jewett said.

He says we won’t know which strategy is better, until we know the results of this historic election.

Now we’ve learned that two people who attended a recent Trump rally in North Carolina have tested positive for COVID-19.

But the Florida department of health says they can’t say whether anyone has tested positive here, citing it is part of a “epidemiological investigation” and they can’t disclose the information.