CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Knitting and crocheting are something a small group of ladies in Charlotte love to do.

For the last six weeks, Kelly Zimmerman and Ashley Jane McIntyre have been gearing up to do something big. Yarn bomb.  

“Rather than painting a mural, you would crochet, knit, weave, whatever a piece of art that goes up, and it’s just a temporary thing, and then it comes down and continues on," Zimmerman says.

Zimmerman is a fiber artist who has yarn bombed places in Charlotte before and enjoys the process.

“It’s a really interesting way of showing off a skill that people have, and a kind of different fun way to think about it rather than following a pattern," she says.

That’s why their next yarn bomb will be transforming a van.

“I don’t think people are realizing that that’s going to be covered, and I don’t think they’re realizing how large of a project that’s actually going to be and just the visual impact that it’s going to have," McIntyre says.  

McIntyre is the founder of an online arts, fiber, and textile group called Craft CLT and has been working with Zimmerman on this project.

Their plan is to yarn bomb the van outside of Town Brewing for its two year anniversary.

They’ve been collecting and sewing together squares, some of which have come from all over the world.

Saturday, the ladies came back ready to start yarn bombing the van.

For McIntyre, she enjoys the big reveal that comes once everything is finished.

“Part of yarn bombing versus something like a mural or a painting is you don’t have that slow progression where you’re watching it come together over a a couple of days at that location," she says. "A lot of the work goes on behind the scenes, and then suddenly you show up one day and there’s this piece of art there and you don’t know where it came from.”

While this is a tedious project, the art they are able to create is something that makes it all worth it.

“You did it with a string and either needles and a hook, and it’s two very simple things and you make a really cool piece of art that people are able to enjoy," Zimmerman says.

The group says the van will stay “yarn bombed” outside of Town Brewing for as long as weather permits.