NORTH CAROLINA -- North Carolinians from across the state took part in rallies on the Fourth of July.

In Greensboro, people gathered to celebrate America's founding, while ralliers gathered at Governmental Plaza, organized by the sixth congressional district GOP.

Guest speakers discussed the founding of the US and what it meant to them as Americans.

They say the idea behind the rally was to protest for America, liberty, and justice for all.

In Raleigh, about 150 demonstrators took to the streets yesterday to stage a protest outside of the executive mansion.

They covered the street with the names of people who were killed by Raleigh police officers.

The group pulled out umbrellas and signs calling for the police to be defunded.

Along the coast, members of the Black Lives Matter group hosted a march called "Fourth of You Lie."

It was in the name of George Floyd, the North Carolina native killed during an arrest in Minneapolis in May.

Members of the community gathered to march through the streets and up to city hall shouting Floyd's name and waving signs.

They encouraged residents, particularly African Americans, to vote for this upcoming election.