MORGANTON, N.C. – A petition has been started to take down a Confederate statue in Morganton. The petition already has more than 2,400 signatures.

What You Need To Know

  • A petition has been started to remove the Confederate soldier statue in Morganton

  • Sons of Confederate Veterans were at the site Tuesday laying a wreath

  • They feel the statue should remain where it is as it has more than 1,300 names of veterans many who have family still in Morganton

On Saturday, people from both sides of the discussion stood around the statue, and many had guns. This caused fear on both sides and has led many to question why it has not been moved to a museum.

Sons of Confederate Veterans were at the statue Tuesday laying a wreath. One member says he has family members listed there and it is important to preserve history.

Elgie McGalliard says they plan to start a petition to keep it where it is.

McGalliard says with so many people in Morganton having ancestors found on the more than 1,300 list of names, it is something to fight for.

"That's what it is all about is our old ancestors. This statue has been up over 105 years and we haven​'t had any problems until now, and we can't see why it is so important to take it down now after 105 years of being here," McGalliard says.

Last year there were also discussions on whether the statue should be moved after someone painted the face.