HIGH POINT, N.C. – Several transit agencies across our state are requiring or highly recommending all passengers to wear facial protection.
High Point Transit manager Angela Wynes said all passengers and operators as of Monday must wear some type of facial protection, including a mask or a cloth, but it must cover both the passenger's nose and mouth.
She said this is a necessary precaution because they're expecting more passengers as the state starts to reopen.
“One of the things I really need to do is protect my most precious asset, which are my operators, because if I don't have them, then we can't run service and so they're wearing masks and we're also asking our passengers to wear masks to help protect themselves,” Wynes explains.
Wynes said they're offering disposable masks to passengers who do not come with their own.
PART is also requiring masks and GoTriangle buses are highly recommending them.
You can visit your local transit agency's website to find out if masks are required.