NORTH CAROLINA – As coronavirus case numbers increase across the country, it is important to understand how to keep yourself and your family safe. It is also important to know what to do if you come in contact with the virus or believe you may have it.


How to prevent the spread of the virus..

Don’t share household items, such as food, drinks, or personal care items. Wear a mask if you’re sick or if you’re directly caring for someone who is. As always, cover coughs and sneezes, preferably with a tissue -and wash your hands right after you cough or sneeze. Washing your hands is one easy to implement step that can drastically slow down the spread of COVID-19 .After you use a tissue, throw it away immediately into a lined trash bin. 



If you or someone in your household has COVID-19…

According to the CDC, if you or someone you live with tests positive for COVID-19, or is exhibiting common symptoms like cough, fever, and shortness of breath, you should stay home and contact your doctor or the NCDHHS. Additionally, if you develop serious symptoms like difficulty breathing and a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, contact your doctor or emergency services.

It’s important to call ahead before visiting the doctor. Health officials say this allows the doctor to take proper precautions to protect other patients and health care workers. It also can prevent increasing strain on emergency and healthcare systems.

If possible, ensure that the person who is sick stays in a separate room, away from other people.



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