CHARLOTTE, N.C. — UNC Charlotte Chancellor Philip Dubois issued a statement to the Niner Nation on Tuesday saying, "All on-campus students are required to leave the residence halls as soon as is practicable and no later than 5 p.m. Friday, March 20."
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The statement goes on to say the only students who can remain are those who have been granted an exception by Housing and Residence Life.
The announcement was made in response to ongoing protocols being issued to encourage social distancing and to help protect the health of all students.
Additional measures announced by Dubois include:
Classes and Labs -- All classes, including lab sections, will be online or remote effective March 23 and for the remainder of the semester. Students engaged in dissertation, thesis, or other individualized instruction should contact their faculty advisor/instructor. More information about advising and tutoring is available online. The Provost’s Office will provide additional information to faculty later today.
Residence Halls -- All on-campus students are required to leave the residence halls as soon as is practicable and no later than 5 p.m. Friday, March 20, unless an exception has been granted by Housing and Residence Life (HRL). We believe it is important that you leave as soon as possible, so please take only essential belongings with you. Residence halls will be secured and you can return at a later date to retrieve your items. This is to ensure social distancing and protect the health of all students. HRL will provide more information to students and families immediately following this message.
Administrative Leave -- Administrative paid leave for all mandatory and non-mandatory employees, including temporary and student employees, will be in place for the following situations related to COVID-19: those who cannot work because of childcare or eldercare facility closings; those who cannot telework because their duties cannot be performed remotely and reasonable alternate remote work is not possible; and those who are unable to work due to cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms or are caring for someone with symptoms from these illnesses. Please see more information online.
Reimbursements: The UNC System has indicated that decisions about refunds for housing and dining fees will be postponed until at least April or until we are beyond the imminent issues facing us with mitigating the spread of the virus. We will not have any additional information to share with you until that time.This also applies to campus-based fees, including parking, and student activities facilities and programs.
- Commencement: We have not made any decisions about spring commencement at this time, but we continue to monitor conditions closely. We know how hard our students (and families) have worked for this moment, and we pledge to be in touch with you as soon as possible if plans for the day change. You can also monitor the commencement website for the latest information.