RALEIGH, N.C. -- New legislative district maps are just a few votes away from becoming law. Nerves were starting to fray Friday, as lawmakers pushed towards the finish line on the redistricting maps ordered by the court last week.

The deadline is looming to send those new maps back to the court for consideration.

“I believe some of these members, if they had the opportunity to bring a camel and clown so they would make it be a circus like they are trying to make it be. Flash they knew these public comments, these availabilities, these screens these terminals were here,” Rep. Brendon Jones (R) said.

“The court found this that was a an extreme partisan gerrymander,” minority leader Rep. Darren Jackson (D) said.

On the house side, the disagreement comes down to just a few clusters, or communities of interest, across the state. Some saying those specific areas still are a partisan gerrymander. Others saying they comply with court orders.

“I think we have worked collaboratively on some of these maps, but there are a distinct one or two, perhaps three, that we have put our thumb on the scale and I think it is fairly obvious to see.” Rep. Deb Butler (D) said.

“This map complies with the court order. There is no doubt about that now. I don't know what kind of game we are playing now, but the argument seems to change every time someone raises their hand,” Rep. Destin Hall said.

The maps moved forward with the disagreements, but a plan is in place to allow public input on Monday and make changes, if needed, once the maps reach the senate. The court needs these maps back to them by next Wednesday. Lawmakers say they should be able to finish this entire process by then.