CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Charlotte City Council members have approved the controversial changes to the city's noise ordinance in an 8-3 vote. Monday night, 108 people spoke both for and against those changes.



Councilman Justin Harlow, led the committee that authored those changes – added an amendment reducing the buffer zone from 200 feet to 150 feet.



An abortion clinic on Latrobe Drive has gotten the bulk of attention, even though the proposed ordinance would require a 200 feet noise buffer zone around churches, schools, and medical facilities. Many at the meeting wore wearing blue shirts are part of a network of 200 Charlotte-area churches.

While opponents to the ordinance changes say it will infringe on their first amendment rights to free speech, supporters say it will ensure safety.

Meanwhile, three protesters are charged with disrupting a public meeting -- a class two misdemeanor. Before the meeting got started last night, protesters rushed City Council members – jumping on top of the dais.



They held up a sign that said "City of Charlotte, Silences Women, Amplifies Misogyny"

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police say that Landon Rice, Julia McCarthy, and Benson Crooks were arrested for disrupting the meeting. Police say other suspects ran from the building.