MAIDEN, N.C. – Roscoe may look happy now, but just days ago he was shot three times in the face.

  • The dog's owner says one bullet landed in his nose bone, one went behind his eye and the other went behind his ear
  • The family doesn't know who shot Roscoe or why
  • Anyone with information is asked to call the Catawba County Sheriff's Office

“One is lodged in his nose bone. One went behind his eye and one went behind his ear,” pet owner Jessica Cudd said. “I'm not really sure why anyone would hurt him.”

Two bullets have been removed, but one has to stay so they don't cause more damage. The 2-year-old pit bull/rottweiler mix was just sitting on the front porch of their home in Maiden on Sunday morning. When they opened the door to let him in, all they saw was blood.

Cudd says Roscoe was nowhere to be found. He dug underneath the house and was hiding. She says her two sons were inside playing when it happened.

“If it would have went inches to the right or left it would have came through the wall and there would have been no stopping it,” she said.

Roscoe is recovering, but the family says they are afraid to go in their front yard because they don’t know who shot Roscoe or why.

“I haven't really let my kids go back outside to play. It will be a while before I feel safe here. Every time I go out I'm looking over my shoulder, looking everywhere,” she said.

If anyone has any information about who shot Roscoe the family asks that you please come forward and contact the Catawba County Sheriff’s Office.

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