CHARLOTTE -- In the city's 2017 budget proposal, Charlotte City Manager Ron Carlee recommended 50 new officers to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. But several city council members say they can do better.

"We've fallen behind on that and I'd like to find a way to add a total of 63 officers this year, which is the number that the police department thinks they can absorb in a year,” said Council member Julie Eiselt.

The 13 additional officers would cost about $1.1 million. Now city officials have to find a way to pay more for public safety without raising taxes or cutting other city services.

"The public, you know, they want the services but they're sensitive to increased property taxes, increased fees so if we can find an opportunity where we don't have to raise taxes, we shouid take it,” said Council member Greg Phipps.

One possible solution would increase the solid waste fee for homes and apartments by three dollars. It would also include shifting some revenue funds directly into the general fund balance.

"Because it's relatively painless to all the parties and it achieves everything we want including the extra 13 officers,” said Ed Driggs, Charlotte City Council.

But keeping up with growth comes at a cost. Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield wants to keep the proposed .43 cent property tax increase for next year.

Mayor Jennifer Roberts agrees that growth doesn't always pay for itself.

"Even though a lot of folks don't want to have a tax increase. There's also recognition that there are some expensives that we are going to need to pay for and we'll have to figure out how to do that,” said Mayor Roberts.

For now, city staff will put together alternative funding combinations that would eliminate the need for any tax increases.

"We'll put it together any combination you want us to put it together for you so you can see how it could balance out,” said Ron Carlee, city manager.

The Charlotte City Council will have straw votes on the budget later this month. The final 2017 budget will be adopted on June 13.