During a holiday season full of shopping and gifts, many take the opportunity to give to others.
Some residents have a concern over feeding their family, however, with the rising cost of food. That’s where local food banks step in.
The Food Bank of the Albemarle serves 15 counties in eastern North Carolina, serving up roughly nine million meals per year. Communications and volunteer manager Brian Gray said donations are critical to help them reach their goal.
On Giving Tuesday, which was earlier this week, the food bank's goal was to provide 20,000 meals. Gray said it takes a lot of food and donations from local partners and farmers to keep services open every day.
Neighborhood hub coordinator Darlene Reid said in the four years she’s worked at the food bank, more people than ever are coming in and looking for assistance.
“We're seeing like at least double from last year that we receive, you know, families that come in and need assistance” Reid said.
She said she’s worked with struggling families in eastern North Carolina for several years and found a new way to help her community at the food bank. “I worked as a social worker, and I like helping people. And this gave me the opportunity to work with families and try to give families what they need," Reid said.
Reid said the neighborhood hub section gives families an opportunity to choose what they want, unlike many food banks or pantries.
The diverse options and fresh produce are only made possible by generous community donations. “It helps when our partners, when they donate things to us and when they give monetary or food, whichever one. All of those things help us be able to provide these services," Reid said.
The Food Bank of the Albemarle is working toward its goal of serving 10.7 million meals annually. Every $5 that you give, the Food Bank of the Albemarle can provide about 15 meals. If you would like to help them reach their goal this year, you may donate here.