Hawaii County’s Office of Housing and Community Development asks the community to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns regarding Hawaii Island’s housing needs for the Affordable Housing Production Program.

“We strongly encourage residents to share their perspectives and help shape our goals for the next round of funding,” said Mayor Kimo Alameda in a release. “Together, we can build more housing and ensure projects reflect the needs and priorities of our communities.”

Two public meetings — one all virtual, one in-person and virtual — will be held in March. The information gathered through the meetings and an online survey will help shape the priorities and goals for the upcoming fiscal year 2025 to 2026 program funding.

An online survey is also available to provide input. All responses will be kept anonymous.

Those who require special accommodations can contact the OHCD at 808-961-8379 at leave seven days prior to the meetings to arrange assistance.

In 2022, the Hawaii County Council established the Affordable Housing Production Program by Ordinance 22-77. According to the release, the law appropriates a minimum of $5 million per year to the OHCD to facilitate programs that support affordable housing production on Hawaii Island.

Visit the Affordable Housing Production Program website or email ohcd.ahp@hawaiicounty.gov for more information.