Maui County’s Planning Department, the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program and consultant H.T. Harvey and Associates are holding a public meeting on Monday, July 24 for the Lanai community to share ideas and feedback to help prepare the first draft of the creation of a Maui County wetlands map, according to a news release.

The July 24 meeting will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Lanai High and Elementary School cafeteria in Lanai City.

A new county law under Ordinance 5421 requires the restoration and protection of wetlands. Therefore, planning officials are looking to gather input on a comprehensive wetlands overlay map that will identify existing and future wetland areas, according to the release.

Once completed, the map will be available on the Maui County website to help property owners, land managers and county planners with vital land-use decisions.

Wetlands are a critical component to the environment existing throughout all islands of Maui County. They provide crucial benefits such as clean air, greenhouse gas regulation, storm protection, drought recovery, erosion control, soil formation, pollution control, regulation of hydrological flows, species habitat, pollination and food production.

Residents unable to attend the in-person meeting can still provide feedback by contacting Long Range Division Planning Program Administrator Jacky Takakura at or 808-270-7743.

Sarah Yamanaka covers events, environmental and community news for Spectrum News Hawaii. She can be reached at