WAIPAHU, Hawaii — The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation announced in a news release that the off-leash dog park at Patsy T. Mink Central Oahu Regional Park will reopen on July 31. 

The park was closed on June 7 after the grass was vandalized with an organic herbicide, according to DPR. Photos of the damage showed brown and dead grass at both the small and big dog parks.

A dog park user, Kathy Viniegas, emailed Spectrum News Hawaii and said other dog park users had been spraying vinegar and digging up the crabgrass. She said one dog owner complained that her two beagles were eating the crabgrass. 

Following the vandalization, DPR staff talked with park users. Now, DPR is establishing an Adopt-a-Park Agreement with community members in order to maintain the dog park. An Adopt-a-Park Agreement involves a formal relationship between DPR and volunteers who want to clean parks. 

Nate Serota, the spokesperson for DPR, said the issue may have come about from a lack of communication.

“This closure gave us the opportunity to have an open discussion with the dog park users, and establish an amicable path moving forward,” said Serota. “We appreciate the patience of the community while they waited for the dog park to be revitalized, and really encourage any community group or volunteer to consider Adopt-a-Park as an excellent avenue to establish a relationship and open line of communication with DPR.”

Michelle Broder Van Dyke covers the Hawaiian Islands for Spectrum News Hawaii. Email her at michelle.brodervandyke@charter.com.