AUSTIN, Texas — The Austin Transit Partnership announced Wednesday its latest design of the rail line along Guadalupe Street between 27th and 29th Streets will no longer have conflicts with the light rail alignment. This announcement includes the restaurant Dirty Martins Place, which is suing the city over the project.

The fate of the nearly 100-year-old burger restaurant has been in question for over two years.

Owner Mark Nemir sent an email to ATP Executive Director Greg Canally outlining his worries for Dirty Martin’s as he has not received written assurance from ATP that the restaurant will not be condemned.

The lead attorney in the lawsuit, Bill Aleshire, said, “No official public vote has been taken by anybody authorized to make the decision about whether to condemn Dirty Martin’s property.”

In an effort to protect his business, Nemir has been pleading with Austin Transit Partnership for the past two years to reconsider their land seizure plans. By making his concerns known to the public, he received an overwhelming amount of support for the restaurant, with thousands of signatures on a petition.

In a press release from ATP, Lindsay Wood, executive vice president of engineering & construction, said, “A key focus while advancing design—while progressing through the federal funding process—is to minimize the need to purchase land and buildings and instead focus those resources into station and urban design investments.”

Project Connect, a $7.1 billion public transportation investment approved by Austin voters in 2020, centers on the light-rail proposal.