SAN ANTONIO — San Antonio police have arrested the cousin of the person responsible for the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde on May 24, 2022, that claimed the lives of 19 students and two teachers.

According to the warrant for his arrest, the suspect, who is a minor, threatened to shoot up a school on San Antonio’s West Side.

The warrant says that on Aug. 7 police were contacted by the suspect’s mother, who informed them that her son planned “to do the same thing as his cousin.”

The suspect, the warrant says, made the statement to his sister, who notified their mother.

The sister told detectives she had recently given her brother a ride in her vehicle and he threatened to shoot her in the head and “shoot the school.”

The minor is currently on probation and was intoxicated at the time of the statement, according to his mother. The family lives across the street from a school.

The suspect’s mother further told police she overheard a telephone conversation her son had in which he attempted to get an AR-15 rifle via an illegal private sale. The person on the other end of the conversation has not been identified.

During an interview, the suspect denied making threats, police said.

The suspect is facing charges of terroristic threat—family/household and terroristic threat—public place/fear of serious bodily injury.