BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Texas A&M University President M. Katherine Banks turned in her resignation letter on Thursday after the botched hiring of a Black journalist.

Dr. Kathleen McElroy, a former New York Times editor, had been selected to revive the school’s journalism department. But the negotiations that were made between her and the university fell through when her job details changed. The possibility of tenure was taken off the table, and instead she was offered a one-year professor of practice appointment, with an option to renew.

Banks stated she’d retire immediately, because "the negative press is a distraction from the wonderful work being done here.”

Her exit comes as Republican lawmakers across the U.S. are targeting diversity, equity and inclusion programs on college campus. That includes Texas, where Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill in June that dismantles program offices at public colleges.

The A&M System said in a statement that Banks told faculty leaders this week that she took responsibility for the “flawed hiring process” of McElroy. The statement said “a wave of national publicity” suggested that McElroy “was a victim of ‘anti-woke’ hysteria and outside interference in the faculty hiring process.”

Banks has told The Texas Tribune this month that pushback had surfaced over her hiring at A&M because of her work on race and diversity in newsrooms.

Dean Mark A. Welsh III was announced as acting president until A&M can find a permanent hire.

Our news partner the Texas Tribune has more on the events that led to Banks's resignation, here.