VALLEY MILLS, Texas — Doug Baum is a rancher in Valley Mills, near Waco. He’s been raising camels for nearly 30 years. His love for the animal began when he worked for a zoo.

“An opportunity came up that allowed me to be the camel keeper at the Nashville Zoo. Within a week, I was absolutely smitten,” said Baum.

Now he travels around Texas educating people on camels and separating fact from fiction.

“One of the first is, ‘Oh, they store water in their hump.’ It’s not water in the hump, it’s fat,” said Baum.

During December, his camels make nativity appearances.

“The Magi didn’t show up with gold, frankincense and myrrh on the backs of tigers. They came on camels. Why? Because camels are gentle. They’re trainable. They’re domesticated,” said Baum.

He and his family provide camels for Christmas nativity scenes and holiday performances around Texas.

“This year we’ll do 36 performances in 28 nights. We don’t see 'The Nutcracker.' We don’t go caroling. We’re out providing the holiday traditions for other families,” said Baum.

His camels have been in many holiday productions over the years. Baum knows the part they play in the nativity is important, if only supporting the real star of the show.

“They’re just one part of what obviously is a pretty darn good story,” said Baum.