Round Rock Independent School District, located near Austin, Texas, has been in the news a great deal lately as students have clashed with administrators over COVID-19 protections.

This is something entirely different.

As first reported by Texas Monthly, a Republican candidate for the Texas House tweeted an allegation claiming that “Cafeteria tables are being lowered in certain @RoundRockISD middle and high schools to allow ‘furries’ to more easily eat without utensils or their hands (ie, like a dog eats from a bowl).”

Michelle Evans was responding to a tweet from conservative Texan Michael Quinn Sullivan. Sullivan shared a 2015 video in which a woman attending a school board meeting in Midland, Michigan, claims schools in the area added litter boxes to halls in order to accommodate furries.

That’s debunked.

Evans’ claim has been debunked as well. Round Rock ISD’s Jenny LaCoste-Caputo told Texas Monthly, “This is not happening. Our tables don’t even have the option of lowering.”

What is a furry? According to Merriam-Webster, it “refers to people who have a keen interest in, or even dress up as, anthropomorphic animal characters, like those often seen in comics, games, and cartoons. The personalized animal identity of a furry is known as their fursona, the portmanteau of furry and persona. Fursonas can exist as costumes, online avatars, or even full lifestyles.”

Evans is running for Texas House District 136, which includes suburban North Austin. She’s a part of the Texans for Vaccine Choice action committee as well as a conservative parents group called Moms for Liberty.