As of Wednesday Texas is now the largest state in the country in which people don’t need formal training or a permit in order to carry a firearm. 

What You Need To Know

  • Texas' so-called permitless carry law went into effect on Sept. 1

  • Law allows those over 21 years old to carry a handgun without a permit or formal firearm training 

  • Proponents say that among other benefits it will allow women to better protect themselves

  • Opponents, including many police officials, fear it will increase gun violence in a state that has seen numerous mass shootings in recent years 

Gov. Greg Abbott in May signed House Bill 1927, better known as “permitless carry,” and the law was among one of the more notable 666 laws to take effect on Sept. 1. Texans 21 years and older can now carry handguns without a license or training so long as they’re not prohibited from doing so by state or federal law.

Proponents of the law say more people will be able to protect themselves, while detractors say there are too many loopholes and dangers. 

Specifically, in their pursuit of the permitless carry of handguns in Texas, lawmakers brought up wanting to protect women. 

“We’ve made it difficult for a woman to feel safer, when she is a law-abiding citizen walking on the street in her neighborhood, and I think that is worthy of bringing this bill to this body," said HB1927's author, Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, when the bill was first debated in the House earlier in 2021.

However, after 30 years of helping survivors of domestic violence, Jan Langbein disagrees the measure would actually help women. Langbein is the CEO of the Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support in Dallas. 

“It’s a flimsy excuse to say that this bill gives people a right to have a gun so they can protect themselves from the dangers outside. What I hear every single day are the dangers from the inside of the house. We hear stories of women whose abuser has held a gun to their head, because dinner was late," Langbeing said. "The presence of firearms does make it more dangerous for women in the house, women and children."

The final bill featured a number of Senate amendments including one that prohibits Texans from permitless carry for five years if they’re convicted of assault that causes bodily injury, deadly conduct, terroristic threat, and disorderly conduct with a firearm. There are also increased punishments for those convicted of family violence. 

Law enforcement agencies have been speaking out against the permitless carry of handguns for years. Conferees ultimately would allow officers to temporarily disarm or question people about handgun possession. 

Kevin Lawrence, executive director of the Texas Municipal Police Association, said he predicts there could be some issues that come up, in particular, when police are called to enforce a private business owner's rules around banning handguns on private premises.

“Cops are still stuck in the middle of it, so it's still gonna make the jobs of our officers more difficult. But it's a much more palatable bill than it was when it came out of the House," Lawrence said. 

TMPA is still recommending Texans to get their license and get trained, considering the law also removes the fees historically associated with the process. Lawrence, who noted that police get trained consistently on firearm retention, said a license would be a way to let police know someone is already vetted.