TEXAS — As the world learns more about the deadly attack in Kabul that left dozens of people dead, including 12 Americans, Texas politicians are expressing their thoughts and condolences, and outrage about the attack. 

LIVE UPDATES: Afghanistan updates: 12 U.S. troops, 60 Afghans killed in Kabul airport attack

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott released a statement calling the explosion an “absolute tragedy.”

“Brave U.S. Marines and soldiers sacrificed everything to protect innocent lives and defend our nation’s principles of freedom and liberty for all. Their families are left grieving the heartbreaking loss of a loved one,” Abbott said. “Please join Cecilia and me in praying for these Marines and soldiers who fought through to the end, for their loved ones, and for all U.S. military members who continue to serve courageously and honorably for our country around the world.”

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted that he’s praying for those who are injured as well as condmening the attacks. 

Rep. Collin Allred, D-Texas, said his thoughts are with the families of the U.S. service members and others who were murdered and wounded. 

Rep. Chip Roy released a statement sending thoughts and prayers to those who died and says its time for the chaos to end. 

Rep. Roger Williams released a statement calling for President Joe Biden to resign immediately. A growing number of Republicans leaders across the country are also calling for Biden to be impeached.

“In eight short months, it has become painfully clear that President Biden is incapable of fulfilling and faithfully executing the most important roles of the Commander in Chief. His unwillingness to acknowledge the Americans that he left behind in Afghanistan and his failure to commit to getting every American out, unfortunately signals that to the best of his ability, he lacks the fortitude to keep America safe and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. All options should be on the table to protect our country. Not only has this president’s plan failed, this president has failed. It’s time for him to resign or be legally removed.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, released a statement calling the U.S. exit from Afghanistan a botched withdrawal.  

“My heartfelt prayers are with our American citizens President Biden has disregarded, and for our heroic military who served in Afghanistan struggling with increased traumatic stress, some even calling my office and weeping, over Biden providing aid and comfort to the Taliban enemy.” 

Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, has issued the following statement on today’s bombings in Kabul:

"America needs our commander in chief to lead us to victory—not into slaughter. I will continue to pray for the safe return of American citizens, for the comfort of our military veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much already, and for the safety of our troops.”

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, tweeted his office is coordinating with the State Department to get Americans and Afghans out of Kabul safely. 

Two suicide bombers and gunmen attacked crowds of Afghans flocking to Kabul’s airport. A U.S. official said that the complex attack was believed to have been carried out by the Islamic State group.