AUSTIN, Texas — On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Kathleen Cardone granted a temporary restraining order that puts the brakes on an executive order issued by Gov. Greg Abbott directing Department of Public Safety troopers to initiate traffic stops on vehicles suspected of transporting migrants.

What You Need To Know

  • A federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order directing DPS troopers to pull over vehicles suspected of transporting migrants

  • The restraining order comes after President Joe Biden's Justice Department sued to have the order rescinded 

  • Appearing on Fox News Tuesday, Gov. Abbott said he looks forward to presenting his evidence in court 

  • Abbott says the order was issued to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Texas; critics say it constitutes racial profiling 

Abbott said the motivation is to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the state.

Appearing on Fox News following the judge’s ruling Tuesday, Abbott says he looks forward to challenging the lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice in court.

“As it concerns putting migrants on busses that have COVID-19 and then moving them around certain areas in South Texas, I issued an executive order to put a stop to that movement,” Abbott said. “Just moments ago, a federal court issued a stay on my executive order, a temporary restraining order because the Biden administration filed a lawsuit against it. We will have a full hearing in the coming week where we will get to put all the evidence about how the Biden administration is exposing Texans to thousands of migrants who are bringing COVID-19 into the United States of America.”

The order would have allowed state troopers to stop any vehicle they suspect of providing transportation to migrants who pose a risk of carrying COVID-19. They could then reroute those vehicles back to their point of origin or seize the vehicle. The judge heard arguments from both sides Monday, and Tuesday’s decision marks a big win for the Biden administration.

“I hope and believe that upon a full hearing of this matter, we will be able to present the evidence that the thing that I’m doing is what governors are empowered to do, and that is to keep the people in their states safe, while at the same time holding the Biden administration accountable to follow the laws, the immigration laws passed by the United States Congress,” Abbott continued.

While Gov. Abbott remains focused on the questionable link between migrants and the spread of COVID-19, Biden on Tuesday took aim at Abbott and other Republican governors, telling them to help or “get out of the way” as the delta variant-fueled COVID-19 virus surges and they remain opposed to mask and vaccine mandates.

"I say to these governors: Please help," Biden said. "But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way."

"The people are trying to do the right thing," he added. "Use your power to save lives."

Critics of Abbott’s order say that if carried out, it would constitute racial profiling.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, in criticizing the order, tweeted, “Gov. Abbott’s latest executive order is designed to turn Texans against each other and provoke fear of brown skinned people. How will police know which vehicles are transporting immigrants? The Biden Justice Department must sue to stop this illegal racial profiling.”