SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Police Department dedicated a new helicopter on Wednesday, which will provide support to officers on the ground and an extra set of eyes in the sky.​

  • Tail number dedicated
  • Decal with all names added
  • Will provide multiple services

The new chopper is not only designed for multiple services, it's also a tribute to all of the SAPD officers that have given their lives in the line of duty, including Miguel Moreno, who was killed just over two years ago.

The aircraft was given the tail number of N1603M, after the badge number of the department’s most recent fallen officer, Miguel Moreno, as well as a decal that lists every officer that has perished while serving. 

READ MORE | A Year Later: Honoring the life of SAPD's Miguel Moreno

It's something that Sgt. Daniel Anders of the SAPD's helicopter detail feels is a fitting reminder of what police officers do everyday.  

"It's an opportunity for all of our pilots and our crew to remember or remind them of what our core mission is every time they get into that aircraft," said Anders.

Moreno's family was in attendance for the dedication, and was understandably emotional. The 32-year-old was shot while investigating car burglaries with his partner on June 29, 2017. He died the next day.

"I know the family are honored," said Sgt. Christopher Johnson. "We as a class are honored by it.  We know Miguel would be honored as well, and we really appreciate the fact that they thought of him for this."

A few VIP's hopped on board following the ceremony, as the helicopter took its maiden voyage.  The first of many missions assisting officers on the ground. Officers doing the same duties Moreno did day in and day out.  

"It's always hard when we lose a fellow officer," said Johnson. "It's even harder when you know them personally, but it's something that we have to push through and keep on."