NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. -- Fire officials were called to a house at 522 Niagara Street just before 8 p.m. Thursday. Chief Mike Winker says that, once the fire was knocked down, they went inside and discovered a victim.

"It's such a sad, tragic moment to see that this happened around the corner from me," said Timothy Campigotto. "I saw everything rushing down here. I thought it was a car; come to find out it was this fire that killed this man."

"When firefighters arrived, they had heavy smoke coming out of the windows but light flame," Winker said. "The fire was actually put out with a water cannon, believe it or not."

"An adult male was found in the living room and that's all I can really say."

While fire officials aren't releasing any details about the victim, they were able to determine the fire was set intentionally. Investigators say there were at least three points of origin of the fire.

"We're looking to determine the cause and origin of any particular fire we go through," Winker said. "We go from points of severe burn to points of lighter burn, and that kinda will point us in the right direction where we believe any particular fire's cause and origin starts."

Campigotto says he knew the victim. He says they struck up a friendship because the man noticed his limp.   

"I was walking really bad, and that's how I got to really meet him, and he always checked on me to see if I was doing OK," Campigotto said. "He was always a quiet guy; minds his own business."

Police say an autopsy didn't rule out the exact cause of death, but they're not ruling out foul play. They're also waiting for the results from toxicology tests. Meantime, Campigotto says if someone is responsible, he hopes he's brought to justice.

"I hope the police catch this guy. I don't care where he's at, he deserves the punishment and prison," said Campigotto.