TRAVIS COUNTY, Texas — No Texas primary race created as much controversy and came with as much mudslinging as the race for Travis County district attorney.

However, current Travis County District Attorney José Garza has prevailed over Democratic challenger Jeremy Sylestine and will face Republican Daniel Betts in November. Betts ran unopposed.

Garza has been Travis County district attorney since 2021 and has the support of several high-profile, progressive-leaning Democrats, including Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Rep. Greg Casar and Rep. James Talarico.

Sylestine, an Austin-based attorney, worked in the district attorney’s office but left when Garza took over. He claimed Garza failed to prosecute a series of crimes and secured plea deals that put criminals back on the streets.

Several Republicans voted in the Democratic primary in order to support Sylestine. Sylestine secured the support of Austin’s police union and a group called Save Austin Now, with which Sylestine says he is not affiliated.

Save Austin Now recently sent out mailers claiming Garza was “cutting deals with … monsters,” prompting a cease-and-desist letter from the district attorney.

Sylestine outraised Garza significantly. A filing last month showed he raised $1.2 million compared to Garza’s $204,000. Much of that money for Sylestine came from donors who typically support Republican candidates.

On Monday, Garza reported that volunteers supporting his campaign were followed and recorded by an armed group of bikers in Austin. He said that followed an incident a week earlier in which bikers tried to shut down a campaign outreach event.

The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 5.