LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Central Kentucky Housing and Homeless Coalition, Catholic Action Center and Street Voice Council conducted a street survey throughout Lexington to get an idea of how many people are unhoused before winter begins.

What You Need To Know

  •  The Central Kentucky Housing and Homeless Coalition, Catholic Action Center and Street Voice Council partnered to conduct their first annual street survey

  •  This survey counts people who are left out of the city's annual count. Due to certain restrictions, people in hospitals, jails and more are not included in the city's count

  •  The nonprofits involved with Wednesday's count want to be prepared for winter and connect with people experiencing homelessness

  • The results of this survey will be published in September

The city does an annual count of people who are houseless every January. However, because of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s restrictions, people in places such as hospitals, jails and treatment centers are left out of the count.

For Wednesday's survey, volunteers asked people a few questions to get an idea of what their current situation is.

Those who are taking part in this initiative said conducting the count is crucial to get a true picture of the houseless population in Lexington. For the organizations involved, it is more than just a count.

“It just blesses my heart to be able to connect with them," said Chris Lunsford, a volunteer with the Catholic Action Center who helped with the survey. "You know, if I can turn around and give them a hug or just give them a 15-minute conversation, it just blesses me just as much as I just blessed them." 

Volunteers began at 11 a.m. and will finish at 11 p.m. They are aiming to survey as many people as possible.

The results will be published in September and the organizations involved with the count plan to work with the city and other nonprofits to come up with a plan for the winter for those who are houseless.