AUSTIN, Texas — Don’t let his business casual look fool you, Pleb Lab and Austin Bitcoin Club co-founder Kyle Murphy is always focused on the future.

"At any point when someone needs some things, we have someone in our network,” Murphy said.

Despite Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies' volatility on the market, the former combat veteran believes to maximize individual worth, society needs to start buying into a world without cards or cash.

"I kind of localize and minimize the necessity of the outside system,” Murphy said. "I just work as much as I can within the Bitcoin system."

Michael Atwood of Oshi Tech helps businesses implement the new payment method and expects it to grow quickly across Texas. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

III Forks Steakhouse is a popular spot for this tech-savvy group and they’re one of the first to add the digital currency as an additional form of payment.

"It's just a really convenient way and option for our guests,” proprietor Brian Kelley said. "We receive the cash as we normally would so it's no burden on us.”

Michael Atwood, CEO of Oshi Tech, helps businesses like this implement the new transactional method and says the demand is growing across the state at restaurants, bars and other leisure/entertainment-based businesses.

"With Bitcoin it's going to happen faster, because it's relatively easy,” Atwood said. "Everyone knows how to scan a QR code and it's more beneficial to the consumer and business at the end of the day."

As for the self-proclaimed “Bitcoin Bum," he’s excited to enjoy the fruits or steak of their labor.

Kyle Murphy, Co-Founder of Pleb Lab, is a former combat veteran now fully invested in creating a cash and card-less community in Austin. (Spectrum News 1/Dylan Scott)

"To see all of the experience and hard work, collaborative effort pay off is a really cool moment in time.”