AUSTIN, Texas — After closing its doors in July 2020 and going strictly online, The Glass Coffin: Vampire Parlour is back and open just in time for Halloween.
Joey Slayne owns the vampire themed oddities shop. From his storefront, to his house, to the way he styles his hair, everyday is Halloween for Slayne.
"When I was younger, I guess I always dreamt about like having a vampire kind of shop, you know," Slayne said. "And so yeah here in my later life I managed to manifest that."
Currently Slayne is starting from scratch. He said in July 2020 he was forced to close his brick and mortar shop because his landlord sold the property.
"We pretty much had like a 30 day notice, so basically moved everything out and just went completely online," said Slayne. "It was pretty sad. Pretty devastating, and I just kind of went into like a huge depression after that, after closing, because like I said that was my dream."

He started a GoFundMe* to raise money to rebuild The Glass Coffin at a new location. As people stepped up to help, he quickly learned his community also missed him.
"And so to like have the shop like reopen again, I feel like I'm getting a second chance," Slayne said. "So yeah I'm just so excited to have the shop open again."
Slauyne says if it wasn't for the donations, he wouldn't be where he is now. Customers are just as thrilled as he is.
"Well if you have a love for the strange and unusual and spooky collection like we do, you might like to come check some of the stuff out," said customer Louis Sypher.
Slayne will host a "fangtastic" vampire-approved grand re-opening of The Glass Coffin on Oct 31.

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