WACO, Texas — Waco ISD is feeling the impact of turnover in its classrooms. As are districts across the Lone Star State, especially amid the pandemic. But the district has a multimillion-dollar solution it hopes will get teachers to stay. The district will use a little over $8.1 million worth of federal stimulus funding to provide retention bonuses for teachers.
What You Need To Know
- Waco ISD has earmarked more than $8.1 million in federal stimulus money for teacher retention
- Like many Texas school districts, Waco ISD is dealing with high turnover as the coronavirus pandemic drags on
- Each teacher will receive roughly $10,000 in bonuses spread out until 2024
- The district's aim is to provide students with consistency
Waco ISD second grade teacher Cassandra Benjamin can't wait to get back in her classroom.
"I miss the kids and I miss the routine of coming to school. So I am super pumped that school's about to start again," Benjamin said.
Teaching during the pandemic was uncharted territory but Benjamin made it work.
"I was able to do my job and still be a mom at the same time and so that was a big deal for me because I was able to do both roles in this trying pandemic," Benjamin said.
Superintendent Dr. Susan Kincannon explained not every teacher was able to stick it out.
"There's a statewide problem with filling classrooms this year," Dr. Kincannon said.
Dr. Kincannon says the district wants to impact the stability of its classrooms, providing greater consistency for students
"Using federal stimulus funds would provide $10,000 for our teachers who stay with us," Dr. Kincannon said. "So teachers who join Waco ISD this year in August will receive a bonus next December, December of 2022, then again in 2023, and then the third piece of that would come in the fall of 2024. So $10,000 in total paid out over three payments."
Benjamin wants to use her bonus to give back to her students.
"To bring more supplies into the classroom," she said.
And she believes the retention bonus is a good idea
"I think that would definitely help them and encourage then to stay," Benjamin said.