AUSTIN, Texas — The push for an immediate special legislative session has begun. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick tweeted Wednesday morning asking Gov. Greg Abbott to call a special session to pass three pieces of legislation that died in the Texas House at midnight on Tuesday.

The bills aimed to ban transgender students from playing on sports teams based on their gender identity, punish social media companies for "censoring" Texans based on their political views and prohibit local governments from using taxpayer funds to pay for lobbyists.

"The Texas House killed these conservative bills that a majority of Texans in both parties support," Patrick tweeted.

The Texas House faced a midnight deadline Tuesday to pass Senate bills and Democrats used delay tactics to try to stop the legislation they didn't like from advancing.

When time expired, Democrats cheered and several waved transgender pride flags as parents and advocates of transgender youth celebrated from the gallery.

Only Gov. Abbott has the power to call a special session. He released a statement Wednesday afternoon saying the session is still not over.

"Some are trying to end the game before the time clock has run out. There’s still time remaining for the House and Senate to work together to get important conservative legislation to my desk. Members in both chambers need to be spending every minute of every day to accomplish that mission,” Abbott said.