AUSTIN, Texas — Andrea Ariel danced for democracy in front of the Texas State Capitol the weekend before Inauguration Day. 

“Wanted to just celebrate the joy of democracy and that it works,” said Ariel. 

She busted a move at the corner of 11th and Congress on Sunday to encourage people to support the democratic system.  

“Black Lives Matter, that’s very, very important. Our environment, very, very important. There’s a lot of important work to do ahead and so my message is participate,.” she said.  

Something you just could not miss? The armed state troopers protecting the Texas State Capitol behind her, and the man in a “Make America Great Again” hat who approached her. 

The Texas Department of Public Safety monitored armed protests planned at the Texas State Capitol days leading up to the Inauguration. 

“’I'm not coming down here on Inauguration Day. I do have fears. I think we all do,” said Ariel.