TEXAS — Friday marks the beginning of the second phase of Texas's reopening, meaning barber shops, nail salons, tanning studios, and hair salons can all reopen under certain guidelines.

What You Need To Know

  • Work stations in use must be 6 feet apart

  • It’s recommended that businesses check people’s temperatures

  • Some salons delaying opening, in order to prepare

However, some businesses are choosing to delay reopening right away.

At Deep Roots ATX Salon's Cedar Park location, owners Haven Tibbetts and Melanie Jacobs have spent the last few days getting ready to reopen their two salons.

“There’s so much that goes into just getting the doors open, and it's just been Melanie and I," Tibbetts said. "There have been challenges as far as finding cleaning supplies and enough gloves and enough face masks.”

Tuesday's announcement by Gov. Greg Abbott allowing such businesses to reopen came about two weeks ahead of the initially anticipated projection date of May 18.

A lot of businesses weren’t expecting to resume services this soon, which is why Deep Roots is waiting until May 14 to open up appointments.

“Trying to balance what we feel is safe with also trying to accommodate people, it’s a fine line," said Tibbetts.

All Texas salons are advised to follow certain guidelines, like maintaining six feet of separation and having everyone wear face masks.

Another recommendation is having businesses screen customers' temperatures to check for a fever.

For example, before a client can even go into Deep Roots, a member of the staff will come to each person’s car where they’ll take their temperature using a touchless thermometer.

“If someone were to have a high temperature, they haven’t even been in the building yet," said Tibbetts. "We’ve done it out at their car. They haven’t touched anything in the building. They haven’t been around any of the stylists or clients, so we just felt it was the responsible thing to do.”

Over at the Lash Lounge, owner Noelle Boyle says similar safety practices will be in place at their Westlake and Mueller locations.

“Our corporate office did a lot of research on PPE, sterilization, extra things we can do. They’ve been creating new training for stylists,” Boyle said.

The lash extension salons will also use a ULV antimicrobial fogging machine to sanitize their spaces with disinfectant overnight.

All of that takes time, which is why the Lash Lounge is also waiting an extra week, opening on Friday, May 15.

“It made me feel better and I think it makes the team feel better that we do have the time to take those needed steps," Boyle said.

Despite the delay, both businesses are eager to get back to normal.

“I think a lot of business owners can agree that we are all doing the best we can and we’re trying in good faith to make good decisions and hoping for the best,” said Tibbetts.